Wellcome to My First
Wellcome to my first page.As a first time I don't
know exactly what's the best way to present you to thise site,
what thå most appropriate way is, but don't despair in the near
past thise page will become a hopefull appearence.
First let me introduce myself.I live in Bulgaria, in it's capital
Sofia.Bulgaria is situated in south-east Europe.A beautiful smal country
with very hospitable people.
My name is Cvetan thats an very strange name it comes from Macedonia,which
was actually part of Bulgaria.I am 18 years old and I am still going to
school.It's an English secondary school.I don't know if I have any hobies?I
love Computers, finding out some knew tricks, going out with friends.You
see thats maybe what everybody likes doing.I like music ofcourse but I prefer
the electronic styles.I like to serf the Net and find differend things, also
the hidden once .....
I devote my first site to my best friend July,and Nasko and Vlady .......
Wish me luck.....
It would be a pleasure for me to here from you ,here is my e-mail:
[email protected]
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